Legal Notice

In order to comply with the article 10 of the Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you about the following data:

Commercial name: Abbantia Law Firm Abogados & Asesores Tributarios
Head office address: Av. República Argentina 11 8º D – 41011 – Sevilla – SEVILLA
Tax Id. Number: B-91330845
Phone: 954990226
Fax: 954990227



The service provider, which is the responsible for this website, makes available to the users this document in order to comply with the Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (known as LSSI-CE from its Spanish initials), and informs all users about the conditions of use of this website.

Anyone who accesses this website will be considered as a User and hereby accepts to comply with the conditions included in this document and any other applicable legal condition.

The service provider reserves the right to modify any information that may appear on this website, without the obligation of warning or letting know in advance the users of these changes, on the understanding that the sole publication on the provider’s website will be considered as sufficient to justify the changes.


The service provider declines any and all liability for the information published in this website if this information has been manipulated or entered by a third party unrelated to the service provider.

This website may use cookies (small information files sent by the server to your computer when you first access the website) for carrying out certain tasks considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the website. This website may use cookies (small information files sent by the server to your computer when you first access the website) for carrying out certain tasks considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the website.The cookies used by this website have, in any case, a temporary nature, the sole purpose of making subsequent transmissions more effective and they disappear once the user finishes the session. Under no circumstances, the cookies will be used to gather personal information.

Users may be redirected to contents of the websites of third parties. Since the service provider cannot always control the contents entered onto its website by third parties, the provider will assume no responsibility regarding these contents. In any case, the service provider will immediately remove any content that may contravene any national or international Law, the public morals or the public order, bringing any relevant case to the attention of the competent authorities.

The service provider is not responsible for the information or comments stored in any forum, chat, blog, social media, app or any other similar means of communication that allow third parties to publish contents without the control and supervision of the service provider. In compliance with articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the service provider will help the users, authorities and police, removing or blocking, whenever possible, any content that may affect or contravene the national or the international Law, third party’s rights, the public moral or the public order. In the event that any user feels that there is some content on the website that may be susceptible of this classification, he or she is asked to notify the website administrator immediately.

This website has been checked and verified to ensure it functions properly. In principle, its correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the provider does not rule out the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of causes of force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make impossible to access the website.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The website, including but not limited to its programming, publishing, compilation and other elements necessary for its functioning, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of the provider or, depending on the case, the provider has the license or specific authorization of the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property laws, and are inscribed in the corresponding public registries.

Regardless of the purpose for which it is intended, any total or partial reproduction, usage, exploitation, distribution and commercialization requires prior written authorization by the provider, in all cases. Any usage not previously authorized by the provider will be considered as a serious infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

Any designs, logos, text and / or graphics that may appear on the website and do not belong to the provider, belong to their respective owners, and they themselves are responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with regard to them. In any case, the provider holds the specific prior authorization of the owners.

The provider expressly DOES NOT AUTHORIZE third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, in any case they should redirect to the provider’s main website.

The provider recognizes the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights of the owners, and the mere mention or appearance of the content in question on the website does not imply the existence of rights or responsibility of any kind regarding this content on the part of the provider, or any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of the latter.

Any kind of observation regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, or on any of the contents of the website, may be made via the e-mail address:

Applicable law and jurisdiction

For the resolution of any disputes or questions related to this website or the activities carried out on it, the Spanish legislation will be applicable, and the parties specifically submit themselves to said legislation, with the Courts and Tribunals of Seville being competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising from or related to its usage.